Surprising Health Benefits Of Honey And Cinnamon
How do you prepare cinnamon and honey? What are the health benefits of Cinnamon and honey? Surprising Health Benefits Of Honey And Cinnamon Honey and cinnamon have been long-standing in the limelight when it comes to being the 2 most powerful kitchen ingredients as...
दालचीनी के बारे में आप क्या क्या जानते है?
दालचीनी क्या है?
दालचीनी का पेड़ हमेशा हराभरा तधा छोटी जाडी जैसा होता है जिनके तन की छाल स चुननकर सुखाई जाती है |
दालचीनी के पेड़ से हमेशा सुगंध आती है और इसका उपयोग मसालोँ और दवा के तौर पर किया जाता है |इसका तेल भी निकाला जाता है |
मसालों का राजा : काली मिर्च
क्या है काली मिर्च : किंग ऑफ़ स्पाइस या ब्लैक गोल्ड के नामसे मशहूर काली मिर्च सदियों से राम बाणमाने जाते है| आयुर्वेद में इस मसले को सभी तरह में बक्टे रिया वायरस आदि का नाश करने वाली औषदिमाना जाता है| काली मिर्च में एंटी ऑक्सीडेंट गुण है और यह प्रतिरोथक क्षमता बढ़ाती...
शहद के बारे मैं कुछ रोचक तथ्य:
शहद क्या है:
शहद या मधु एक मीटा अरथ तरल पथार्थ है जॉ मधुमक्खियॉं द्वारा फूलों मैं स्थित मधुरस से तैय्यार कया जाता है |
शहद मैं वो मीठापन है जो मुक्यता ग्लूकोस और फ्रुक्टोज़ के कारण होता है |
Why is Ceylon Cinnamon considered “True” Cinnamon?
Cinnamon is a very popular spice gracing kitchens all over the world! It is a delicious, widely available spice with many health benefits. Did you know there are two types of Cinnamon in the world? Cinnamon gets its aroma and flavor from essential oils inside the...
काली मिर्च (kali mirch) के फायदे
काली मिर्च जिनसे हम सब वाकिफ है,लेकिन उनके फायदे से नहीं.एक नज़र सलथे है काली मिर्च के कुछ अनगिनत फायदों से. काली मिर्च (kali mirch) एक फूल वाली बेल है ,जो फल के लिए उपयोगी मने जाते है.वैज्ञानिक रूप से इसे पाइपर नायग्राम कहा जाता है. जब यह सूख जाता है, थो इसे मसाले के...
Amazing Health Benefits & Uses of Cloves
A native to the Maluku Islands in Indonesia, cloves are one of the most important Asian spices. In essence, cloves are the dried aromatic flower buds of the Syzygium Aromaticum tree. The uses of clove are primarily as a flavoring agent and also as a therapeutic agent,...
Everything You Need To Know About Raw Honey
How We Produce Farm Fresh Raw Honey At Thottam Farm Fresh Made by honey bees, honey is a sweet, thick syrup that is been enjoyed by many people around the world for a wide variety of purposes. However, there are two forms of honey – the regular kind and the raw kind –...
शहद के कुछ फायदे जिनसे आप वाकिफ नहीं
क्या शहद (Shahad) के फायदे से अप्प वाकिफ है ,जो हमारे पूर्वजो के ज़माने से चले आ रहे है? शहद(Shahad) के अनेक फायदों में से कुछ फायदों से ,आपको हम वाकिफ करते है। ओषदि से लेखर पकवान और सौंदर्य वरदक के रूप में शहद(Shahad) का इस्तेमाल हो रही है। सदियों से चली आ रही है यह...
Where Should You Buy Spices Online?
You’ve just had an extraordinary tutorial session with that Master Chef of a friend, and now want to go ahead and start cooking fantastic new Indian meals yourself by completely utilizing the wide range of spices Indian cuisine offers, right? Your first question right...
Everything You Need To Know About White Pepper
What Is White Pepper? White pepper, like black pepper, is a spice produced from the dried fruit of Piper nigrum vines (the pepper plant). Despite similar origins, black pepper and white pepper are very different in their flavor, primarily because of the differences in...
5 Awe-Inspiring Indian Spices Flavor Profiles
Spices and flavors go hand in hand. In particular, the types of flavor notes in spices used in Indian meals result in a taste experience involves all five senses – sight, smell, taste, touch and sound. When we first engage with food, we are mostly concerned with sight...
Names of Spices in Various Languages
In order for us to garner a good understanding of the ways in which dishes around the world use spices, a good first step might just be to learn spices name in various languages – i.e. spices in Tamil, spices in Hindi, spices in Malayalam, spices in English. Here’s a...
12 Amazing Health Benefits Of Honey
For centuries, honey has been used as both a medicinal tool and a delicious cooking ingredient (it’s a healthy substitute to sugar). Let’s take a look at the many health benefits of honey, some of which you might not have known about! 1. Abundance Of Antioxidants ...
8 Indian Food Instagrammers Who Will Make You Drool
Food is undoubtedly one of the greatest forms of art! When you think of it, the merging of several raw ingredients to form a delectable and irresistible dish is pure art. India’s diverse culture makes it impossible for you to choose from a vast array of so many...
8 Of Our Favorite Indian Cooking Books
Being one of the most celebrated cuisines around the globe, Indian cuisine is known to be regionally diverse and quite complex. But, don’t let this intimidate you from experimenting in the kitchen. We’ve shortlisted eight of our favorite Indian cookbooks so you can...
8 Indian Chefs On Instagram Whom We Adore
For most of us, the idea of a good life is traveling, shopping to our heart’s content, being fit and perhaps even being with someone we love. But, a few of us live only to eat good food! We equate a scrumptious meal with a day well spent and are constantly on the...
How Is Tea Prepared?
A piping hot cup of tea just before you begin your day is quite refreshing. It gives you a much-needed kick to go full throttle. While making tea might sound easy, there are actually quite a few elements to pay attention to, such as brewing time, temperature, tea to...
5 Spices That Can Be Used To Marinade Chicken
For ages, the non-vegetarian community has asked themselves the following question – “What is the best way to season chicken?” In particular, fitness enthusiasts who consume a lot of chicken due to its protein quantity can find it rather boring after a point....
Interesting Ways To Use Cardamom In Your Dishes
Cardamom is one of the oldest known spices to exist on this planet! In fact, the ancient king of Babylon (721–701 BC) grew cardamom in his garden. Cardamom uses in India dates back to very ancient times – nearly 5,000 years ago. While it is native to South India, its...
Use Cinnamon To Spruce Up Your Meals
Spices are easily the most versatile additions to otherwise humdrum cooking routines. They take up little room, add flavour, and work up quite the miracle when used the right way. Cinnamon, despite being extremely versatile, is widely known to be used only in desserts...
5 Amazing Black Pepper Benefits
Flavour. Health. Detoxification. These are the three big words that come to mind when one thinks of pepper. Widely known as the “King of Spices,” black pepper easily makes its way into the kitchen by virtue of the nutritional value it brings to the dining table! All...
8 Unique Ways To Store Spices (with Pictures)
The kitchen pantry is an important area of any household because it provides us access to an essential component of our daily needs – nourishment, from food and beverages to everything else in between. If you enjoy sprucing up meals with spices and herbs like a pro,...
Everything You Need To Know About Black Tea
“There are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as afternoon black tea.” ~ Henry James And to call it a ceremony, Sir Henry must be quite fond of everything tea-sipping entails! So what is tea, really? And why is it so...
Tips On Adding Spices To Baby Food Recipes
There is a lot of confusion surrounding when to add spices to a child’s diet (or baby food recipes), especially because flavor palettes vary drastically from country to country and family to family. However, it is common practice to spruce up meals for little ones...
Ways To Use Cinnamon To Spruce Up Your Dishes
Spices like Cinnamon are easily the most versatile additions to otherwise humdrum cooking routines. They take up little room, add flavour, and work up quite the miracle when used the right way. Cinnamon, despite being extremely versatile, is widely known to be used...
12 Amazing Health Benefits Of Nutmeg
One of the two species that grows on evergreen trees, nutmeg has the scientific classification Myristica fragrans. Although it is native to the Maluku Spice Islands in Indonesia, it is also commonly grown in the Caribbean and tropic areas of the world and within...
Cinnamon For Weight Loss
Can Ceylon Cinnamon Help You Shed Those Extra Pounds? When it comes to weight loss, everyone needs a quick fix. Be it having a Magic potion or being taken over by a Silver bullet, we all need that one wonder that can burn down that stubborn visceral fat and make you go on a weight-loss
How is Ceylon Cinnamon Harvested, Processed and Produced?
Harvesting, Processing, And Production Of Ceylon Cinnamon In A Nutshell Cinnamon is that wonder spice that owns a flavored aroma that comes from the volatile oil that is present in the bark of an evergreen tree named Cinnamomum…
Health Benefits Of Cinnamon
Impressive Health Benefits Of Cinnamon – The SuperFood What can be one of the most common wonder spices that you pick up from your Grandma’s mystery cook box? Rich in aroma and flavor, cinnamon is one primary spice you cannot miss for a perfect health-taste balance.
What is the history of the spice trade?
Why was black pepper so valuable? Malabar region to Europe In ancient times, globalization started with the trade-in spices and the world’s most commonly used spice, Piper nigrum or black pepper. Black pepper was key to the formation and establishment of spice routes that are
Black pepper For Weight Loss
A Pinch Of Pepper For Your Weight Loss Trigger Heard of the dark horse of spices? With the capacity to boost metabolism as it is loaded with Vitamins A, C, and K, minerals, and healthy fatty acids, it is a storehouse of potent natural metabolic boosters including the...