
Our Malabar Cloves/Laung
Cloves grown in Kerala is one of the most sought-after spices in the world due to its complexity and versatility. It has a warm and pungent aroma while maintaining a strong sweet flavor. It is the most well-known spice in the group of spices known as “flower spices,”. Cloves are propagated through seeds during the summer months of June-October. The tree from which Cloves are harvested has the scientific classification “Syzygium aromaticum” and is indigenous to the Moluccas Islands in Indonesia.
KERALA ORIGIN: Our cloves are sourced exclusively from Kerala, India. We provide hand-picked cloves produced by the “Syzygium aromaticum” plant. It thrives in places with a warm climate. A humid atmospheric and well-distributed rainfall is best for optimal results, therefore, marking its constant history throughout time in Kerala.
100% NATURAL & PESTICIDE FREE: Our cloves are sourced from small-holder farms in Kerala that do not use any chemicals, pesticides, or insecticides.
WHOLESOME & PURE: Clove or laung has a sweet flavor and it is used to enhance food items such as Indian biriyani, sweets, cakes, cookies, and add depth to items such as sauces and soups. Clove is one of the key components in Indian garam masala.
HEALTHY & NUTRITIOUS FOOD: Clove contain a variety of nutrients such as Fiber, Vitamin K, Vitamin C, Manganese and Vitamin E. Cloves are an effective tool in improving digestive health as they secrete digestive enzymes which eliminate bloating and indigestion. Cloves have long been used as a home remedy for toothache. The Eugenol that provides the flavor of cloves is also a pain-reliever and can help relieve inflammation. Eugenol also helps in promoting liver health by improving liver function, reducing inflammation, and decreasing oxidative stress.
Health Benefits of Clove

Clove contain a compound called eugenol which acts as a natural antioxidant, reducing oxidative stress.

The antibacterial properties of cloves can promote oral health and prevent plaque and bacterial growth in the mouth.

Eugenol may be especially beneficial for the liver as it improves liver function, reduces inflammation, and decreased oxidative stress.

Compounds found in cloves may help keep blood sugar under control. Clove extracts help moderate blood sugar increases associated with diabetes.

Uses of Clove/Laung
Cloves have a warm and pungent aroma while maintaining a strong sweet flavor. It is also an excellent flavoring agent for savory dishes as well. They are used in various forms all over the world. They are mainly used for culinary purposes. Their sweet flavor is used to enhance food items such as sweets, cakes, cookies, and add depth to items such as sauces and soups. Their antiseptic and antibacterial properties also allow them to play a major part in medicine, especially oral and nutritional medicine.
Additional Information
Interestingly, increase in cloves trees was propagated due to the natives who planted a clove tree for each child born. It is propagated through seeds during the summer months of June-October. It thrives in places with a warm climate. A humid atmospheric and well-distributed rainfall is best for optimal results. Buy Laung online from Thottam Farm Fresh to taste the difference!
Cloves contain a variety of nutrients such as Fiber, Vitamin K, Vitamin C, manganese and Vitamin E. They are an effective tool in improving digestive health as they secrete digestive enzymes which eliminates bloating and indigestion. The compound eugenol present in cloves helps in promoting liver health by improving liver function, reducing inflammation and decreasing oxidative stress. Buy cloves online from Thottam Farm Fresh to taste the difference!
Clove is known as Grambu in Malayalam, Laung in Hindi, Karambu in Tamil, Nelken in German, Ding Xiang in Mandarin Chinese, Clou de girofle in French, and Mikhak in Farsi.
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