Figs are one of the oldest and most popular fruits to exist in the world. It is grown from ‘Ficus Carica species of trees belonging to the mulberry family. Figs are an important crop due to their applications in the culinary, commercial, cosmetic, and medicinal fields. Figs otherwise known as anjeer is native to the Mediterranean and western Asia although it has become naturalized in specific regions in North America and Asia. Dried Figs Online or offline from reputed sources to get the best quality variety that you can get.
The fig plant is a small tree or a bush that stands at 1 meter to 10 meters high with broad deciduous leaves that are either deeply lobbed or entirely erect. The stems and leaves exude a white latex-like substance when it is broken. Fig fruit also commonly known as syconia are borne either as one or exist in pairs. They lie above the scars of the fallen leaves or in the axils of the leaves that were born in the current season. Both masculine and feminine flowers are enclosed within the inflorescence structure. Long-styled female flowers resemble other edible fruits that exist in most orchard fig trees or fig gardens. The first fruit of the fig tree that is produced at the end of the spring season is known as breba. Its fine skin and flavour are similar to that of figs although it is not as sweet as a fig. Buy anjeer online or from your local grocery store and use it in its prescribed form.
The fig tree is a subtropical tree that requires consistent low temperatures while it is dormant. The tree that then grows further needs protection from lower temperatures. The ideal temperature for the growth of the fig tree ranges from 15 to 21°C. The ideal soil type required for growing fig trees is deep, non-alkaline clayey loam soil. Soil with well-draining properties with good water holding capacity also works well for the growing and cultivation of figs. Clayey loam or medium black soils are the types of soils that closely satisfy these criteria. Regions with a dry climate during its fruit development and maturation are ideal. Fig trees that grow in regions with high humidity along with low temperatures generally result in low-quality yields.
Fig crops are very well versed in surviving drought. It can also tolerate high levels of sulphate or chloride salt levels. They are propagated by several farming methods that work exclusively for figs. 3 to 6 nodes from the previous season which is cut to about 25 cm should be used as planting material. Fig plants are then planted in a square system with specific pits being dug for planting the fig tree cuttings. The best planting season is typically from June to September.
Consistent irrigation is required for the optimal growth of the fig plants. Irrigation should happen at an interval of 3 to 4 days during summer. Drip irrigation works best for the fig plant. The fig tree produces fruits after 2 years within which it is planted. The plants produce a commercial-sized harvest only in the third year of their planting. The yield from these fig trees increases every year until the eighth year after which it stabilizes. The economic lifespan of a fig tree is considered to be around 35 years. The main harvest season is during February- March and culminates by the end of summer. Generally, the fruits are harvested within an interval of 2 or 3 days. The fruits are identified and picked when it turns soft and wilts at the neck sprout. The yield from one fig tree is estimated to range from 180 to 360 fruits. Buy anjeer online or offline from vendors that source it from true authentic farms.